Passage to India

By Andrew Niesen

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” Mark Twain

Last night, as I excitedly watched Slumdog Millionaire win Best Picture at the Oscars, my heart danced back to India. In January, our family traveled to India to visit Andrew's youngest sister, who is living there for a year.

My first impression of India was the smell. Strong scents embrace you; India assails and inspires your senses. The feeling is visceral, internal and is very hard to articulate. The only thing I can say is: you MUST go!

Hopefully, this slideshow will give you a glimpse of Incredible India!


4 comments, add yours

Keydrick says:

Wait, I cnaont fathom it being so straightforward.

Kenelm says:

The forum is a birghetr place thanks to your posts. Thanks!

Gytha says:

Yeah, that's the tcekit, sir or ma'am

Jasemin says:

Dag nabbit good stuff you wihppersnapeprs!

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