Congratulations Andy and Julie

By Andrew Niesen

It's been a long time since I wore a little black dress to a wedding.

This weekend, Andrew and I enjoyed the rare honor of being guests at a wedding. Our dear friend, Andy Silk, married his beautiful bride, Julie, in California.

Andy was a groomsman in our wedding and has been a constant source of encouragement and laughter since our college years at The Missouri School of Journalism. Working late on deadline at the newspaper or in the darkroom will always be some of our favorite memories. But no memory of Andy will be as fond as the image of him waiting at the front of the aisle to marry the woman he chose as his life partner.

Andy and Julie, we are so proud of you! Enjoy these photos from your day. Thanks for letting us shoot while enjoying California wines!


Official Photographer Joe Photo workin' hard!

Amazing photojournalist and college friend, Jason Redmond

3 comments, add yours

Smiley says:

IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of tnhgis like that?

Gildas says:

These topics are so confsunig but this helped me get the job done.

Lonitra says:

Shiver me tbmeirs, them's some great information.

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