Being Legal with the Music Industry

By Andrew Niesen

Many photographers ask about how to legally couple popular music with their slideshows on their websites.

We have an "ASCAP Experimental License Agreement for Internet Sites & Services" for music on our website. A "Non-interactive" license costs $288 will allow you to use any piece from their repertoire on your website, so long as you're not selling a product with the song itself, or allowing the user to select which piece of music is played. This covers 365,000 "user sessions" (which cannot be more than one hour in length) in a year. Practically applied, this means that our slideshows may be viewed 1,000 times per day on every day of the year. It doesn't matter how many songs you use, unless the total length of the slideshow is more than one hour. (That would be an epic slideshow!)

I called ASCAP to inquire if our specific use, including music with client slideshows on our website, is covered by the license. They told me that it absolutely was.

If you're TYPE-A like I am and want to be legal right now, check out an ASCAP license.


2 comments, add yours

Biana says:

Finally! This is just what I was looikng for.

Jeneva says:

Gosh, I wish I would have had that informtaoin earlier!

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