How We Conduct Corporate Meetings

By Andrew Niesen

Sitting on the veranda watching the sun go down while discussing business strategy. Some of the things we've decided so far:
  • Wedding coverage rate increase for 2008
  • Rachel & Mark need to argue less
  • Confirmed dates for new LaCour Workshop (stay tuned more info in the coming weeks!) 
  • New ShootQ features and integration strategies
  • Which days this week we're going to Morocco (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Since we hear that it's snowing in Atlanta, we thought we'd share this video clip with our friends and family of how we spent our afternoon on the beach in Spain.

2 comments, add yours

Paulina says:

Articles like this relaly grease the shafts of knowledge.

Kert says:

Wow, this is in every repscet what I needed to know.

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