Keep Dreaming!

By Andrew Niesen

This month's Vanity Fair features a fantastic Q&A interview with Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks Coffee.

Here is an excerpt from my favorite section of the interview:

Q: What is your most marked characteristic?
A: "The ability to dream more than others think practical and expect more than others think possible."

After being inspired by this quote, I did a quick google search for Howard Schultz, and found another gem:

"I think that sometimes the difference between success and failure, winning and losing, is a very fine line between those people who will continue to move forward. I have a history of people closing doors and me saying, 'No, it's still open.' "

This is sage advice for entrepreneurs. It reassures me that persistence, when combined with an unflappable sense of focus and a childlike ability to dream, yields high returns.


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